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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Auburn University: 2010 BCS Champions

Mark amazingly made it to the championship game in Glendale after being told they didn't have the tickets he bought to the game anymore, surviving an overnight stay at a Birmingham airport hotel and winter storm weather delays. After spending most of the morning and afternoon waiting at the airport, they arrived at the stadium when the team ran onto the field... 10 minutes before kickoff. Then, right after the game, they got on a plane and came home. He basically spent 6 hours in Arizona and 30 hours getting there. But it was worth it because Auburn WON!!!

Tickets are finally in hand!

Blood splatter on the bedside lampshade at the "shady" Birmingham airport hotel. Yikes!

Pink and white = Birmingham shuts down.

Finally made it to the game. Just in time.

Mr. Penny!

Mom and her two (of three) sons.

Auburn is the 2010 BCS Champion!

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